After reading an article in the Orange County Register the other day, I was inspired to write this blog post. Usually I have no idea what to write about... But after reading the article I could not resist. Event though I play neutral on our Facebook page, I always have my opinion on what we post or ask questions about. This article that was in the paper had a title called "Torch a quad, save a back".

The amount of research that is out about low back pain and how it is related to having poor gluteal firing is overwhelming. And every single time I find poor glutes, I find tight/dominant quads. Just ask someone with back pain and poor glutes to drop down into half kneeling, they will hate you because their down leg quad is going to be stretching like crazy and they might not even be at 0 degrees hip extension yet.
This was my reaction the first time I breezed through the article. Then I read it a second time.
After reading it in more detail a second time, I picked out a few things that frustrated me even more... One, he is a chiropractor. Two, the article was directed to the sedentary person who is almost always quad dominant. As I read I can see the strides we are starting to make as a profession in the rehab/exercise field are being held back by articles like this. I can see PT's and Strength Coaches reading this and thinking, "WOW... Not surprising, its written by a chiropractor". And I wouldn't blame them! The lack of current exercise knowledge in this profession is scary. The number of DC's (and exercise professionals) who have never heard of Pr. Stuart McGill, Gray Cook, Mike Boyle etc. is dumbfounding. It is time to open our eyes and minds to what Dr. Craig Liebenson is attempting to show us. We need to pull everything together and "Bridge the Gap" between performance and rehab. There is more to it than getting a good burn in the quads.
Educate yourself on movement first, and then worry about sets and reps later. And lastly, educate yourself on the real causes of symptoms and do not prescribe exercises because they will give you a sweet burn.
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